All Moose Run events begin in the beautiful Moose Lake City Park on Moosehead Lake. (Sorry, dogs are not allowed in the park or on race course.) A free Kid's Run begins at 9am on May 3rd; however, parents must sign a waiver. All kids receive a participation medal. The 5km and 10km events begin at 9:30am and are chip timed. Please arrive early!
Walk, run, or push a stroller in the 5k event. Runners only in the 10k event. All race routes are paved, scenic, and mostly flat. Parts of the route are city streets (open to traffic) and other are on the Willard Munger Trail. Water is available on the course. After the run, food and water are available to participants. Medals are awarded three deep in each age/gender group. T-shirts guaranteed to all online registrants. Online registration closes on April 23, 2025. Race day registration is available ($45) participants receive a t-shirt while supplies last. All profits go to The Legacy of Excellence Foundation ISD97.